Catalog A-Z Index
- 10. Tests, examinations and graded assignments
- 1. Overview
- 2025-26 Academic Regulations
- 2025-26 Programs
- 2. Admissions
- 3. Credit for prior learning
- 4. Registration and fees
- 5. Academic grade record and promotion
- 6. Graduation
- 7. Academic and related records
- 8. Academic integrity
- 8. Academic rights and responsibilities
- 9. Academic appeals
- Academic and Career Entranc (AACE)
- Academic and Career Entrance
- Academic Regulations and Programs
- Accounting (ACCN)
- Accounting (ACCT)
- Accounting (ACTG)
- Accounting - French (ACCF)
- Acupuncture
- Acupuncture (ACPT)
- Addictions (ADCT)
- Addictions: Treatment and Prevention
- Advanced Care Paramedic
- Advanced Care Paramedic (PARM)
- Advertising (ADVE)
- Advertising and Marketing Communications
- Alternative Medicine (ALTM)
- Animal Care (ANCA)
- Animal Care Worker (ACWK)
- AnishhnaabemowingAndProgDev (ANPD)
- Anishnaabemowin and Program Development
- Anishnaabemowin as Sec Lang (AASL)
- Anishnaabemowin Lang Prog (ANLP)
- Anthropology (ANTR)
- Applied Design (APDE)
- Architectural Technician
- Architectural Technology
- Architecture (ARCH)
- Art and Design Fundamentals
- Art (ARTS)
- Art History (HSTY)
- Artificial Intelligence - Architecture, Design, and Implementation
- Artificial Intelligence Leadership and Management
- Assistive Technologies (ASST)
- Autism and Behavioural Sciences
- Auto Dealership Mgmt (AUDM)
- Automotive Aftermarket Management
- Automotive (AUTN)
- Automotive (AUTO)
- Automotive Business
- Automotive Dealership Management
- Automotive - French (AUTF)
- Automotive Management (AUTM)
- Auto Qualifying Bridge (AUBR)
- Aviation (AVIA)
- Aviation (AVIN)
- Aviation Management
- Baking and Pastry Arts
- Baking and Pastry Arts (BAKE)
- Basic Trng for Skill Devel (BTSD)
- Behavioural Sciences (BESC)
- Big Data Analytics
- Big Data Analytics (BDAT)
- Biology (BIOL)
- Biotechnology - Health
- Bookkeeping
- Building (BLDG)
- Business
- Business
- Business - Accounting
- Business - Accounting
- Business Administration
- Business Administration - Accounting
- Business Administration (ADMN)
- Business Administration - Human Resources
- Business - Agriculture
- Business (BSNS)
- Business (BUSI)
- Business - Entrepreneurship
- Business - Entrepreneurship
- Business for International Automotive Professionals (Micro-credential)
- Business - French (BUSF)
- Business Fundamentals
- Business-International (BINT)
- Business Management
- Business - Marketing
- Business - Marketing
- Business Studies
- Business Studies - Accounting
- Business Studies (BUSN)
- Business Studies - Sales
- Cabinetmaking (CABT)
- Cabinetmaking Techniques
- Canadian Professional Golf Association (CPGA)
- Carpentry and Renovation Techniques
- Carpentry Techniques (CART)
- Chemistry (CEMS)
- Chemistry (CHEM)
- Chemistry (CHMS)
- Child and Youth Care
- Child and Youth Work (CYWK)
- Child Development Practitioner Apprenticeship
- Children's Mental Health
- Children's Mental Health (CHMH)
- CICE Applied Design (APDZ)
- CICE Art History (HSTZ)
- CICE Biology (BIOZ)
- CICE Carpentry (CARZ)
- CICE Chemistry (CHEZ)
- CICE Child and Youth Care (CYWZ)
- CICE Communications (COMZ)
- CICE Computers (CMPZ)
- CICE Developmental Services (DEVZ)
- CICE Drafting (DRFZ)
- CICE Drawing (DRWZ)
- CICE Environmental Studies (ENVZ)
- CICE Fine Arts (FINZ)
- CICE Fitness (FITZ)
- CICE Food Service (FOSZ)
- CICE General Education (GNEZ)
- CICE Golf (GOLZ)
- CICE Government (GOVZ)
- CICE Graphic Design (GRPZ)
- CICE Health (HLTZ)
- CICE Humanities (HUMZ)
- CICE Jewellery and Metals (JELZ)
- CICE Mathematics (MATZ)
- CICE Office Administration (OFAZ)
- CICE Personal Suppt. Worker (PSWZ)
- CICE Photography (PHOZ)
- CICE Physics (PHYZ)
- CICE Police Foundations (PFPZ)
- CICE Psychology (PSYZ)
- CICE Recreation (RECZ)
- CICE Research (REAZ)
- CICE Social Service Worker (SSWZ)
- CICE Sociology (SOCZ)
- CICE Spa and Esthetics (SPZE)
- CICE-Specific Courses (CICE)
- CICE Tourism / Hospitality (TOUZ)
- CICE Veterinary Assistant (VETZ)
- Civil Engineering (CIVL)
- Civil Engineering Technician
- Civil Engineering Technology
- College Foundations
- College Preparation (COLP)
- Comm Dev and Social Innovation (CDSI)
- Communication and Professional Writing
- Communication and Professional Writing (PROW)
- Communications (COMG)
- Communications (COMM)
- Communications (COMU)
- Communications - French (COMF)
- Communication Studies
- Communication Studies (COST)
- Communicative Disorders Assistant
- Communicative Disorders Assistant (CODA)
- Community Advocacy (COAD)
- Community and Justice Services
- Community Integration Through Co-operative Education
- Community/Justice Services (CJSR)
- Community Paramedicine (Micro-credential)
- Community Studies (COMS)
- Comprehensive Exams: OPTI (OPTX)
- Computer Networks - Introductory Studies
- Computer Numerical Control (CNCT)
- Computer Programming
- Computer Programming and Analysis
- Computer Sciences (COSC)
- Computers (COMP)
- Computer Studies (CMPS)
- Computer Studies (CMPT)
- Computer Systems Technician - Networking
- Construction (CONS)
- Construction Studies
- Construction Techniques
- Co-operative Work Term (COOP)
- Co-operative Work Term (COOP)
- Co-operative Work Term (COOP)
- Co-op Hour (CPHR)
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- Corporate Training (CORP)
- Cosmetics (COSM)
- Counselling (COUN)
- Course Outline Search | Georgian College
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- Criminal Psychology and Behaviour
- Culinary Management
- Culinary Skills
- Culinary Skills-Cook II Apprenticeship
- Cybersecurity
- Dental Assisting (Levels I and II)
- Dental (DENT)
- Dental Hygiene
- Denturism
- Design Arts (DART)
- Developmental Services (DEVS)
- Developmental Services Worker
- Developmental Service Worker - Apprenticeship
- Dialysis (DIAL)
- Digital Content Creation and Strategy
- Digital Studio (DIGS)
- Digital Video (DVID)
- Diversity and Intercultural Relations (DVIR)
- Drafting (DRFT)
- Drawing (DRWG)
- Driver Training (DRVR)
- Early Childhood Education
- Early Childhood Education (ECED)
- Economics (ECNM)
- Economics (ECON)
- Economics - French (ECOF)
- Educational Assistant Apprenticeship
- Electrical Engineering (ELEC)
- Electrical Engineering Technician
- Electrical Engineering Technology
- Electrical Techniques
- Electrical Techniques-Construction and Maintenance Apprenticeship
- Electrical Techniques - Industrial Electrician Apprenticeship
- Electromechanical Engineering Technician - Mechatronics
- Electromechanical Engineering Technology - Mechatronics
- Electronics (ELEN)
- Engineering (General) (ENGN)
- English as a Second Language (EASL)
- English (ENGL)
- English for Academic Purposes 1 (EAPO)
- English for Academic Purposes 3 (EAPH)
- English for Academic Purposes 4 (EAPF)
- English for Academic Purposes (EAPC)
- Englsih for Academic Purposes 2 (EAPT)
- Enhanced Practice for Internationally Educated Nurses - Complex Care
- Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management (BNTR)
- Entrepreneurship (ENTP)
- Entrepreneurship (ENTR)
- Environmental Studies (ENVR)
- Environmental Technician
- Environmental Technology
- Essential Skills for Supportive Care (Micro-credential)
- Esthetician - Spa Management
- Ethics (ETHC)
- Ethics (ETHS)
- European Pattern Making/Drafting (EUPT)
- Event Management
- Event Management (EVNT)
- External Association (ASSN)
- Finance (FINC)
- Finance (FNCE)
- Fine Arts (FINA)
- Firefighting (FIRE)
- Fitness and Health Promotion
- Fitness and Wellness (FITW)
- Fitness (FITN)
- Flight Services
- Flight Services (FLIE)
- FocusSearch (Catalog) Code Managementlinks:Back To CourseLeaf Administration|/courseleaf/
- Food and Nutrition Management
- Food and Nutrition Management (FDNM)
- Food Service (FOSR)
- Food Service Worker
- Food Service Worker (FSWR)
- French Proficiency
- Fundraising (FUND)
- Game - Design and Simulation
- Gardening-Home Landscaping (GRDN)
- Gardening/Horticulture (GARD)
- Gas Technician
- Gas Technician (GAST)
- GED Preparation (GEDP)
- Genearl Arts and Science Elective Options (GAAS)
- General Arts and Science - English for Academic Purposes
- General Arts and Science - Liberal Studies
- General Arts and Science - Liberal Studies Foundation
- General Arts and Science - Shki Miikan (New Road)
- General Construction Carpentry Techniques - Apprenticeship
- General Education (GNED)
- General English as a Second Language (ESL)
- General English as a Second Language (ESLG)
- General Interest (GINT)
- Geography (GEOG)
- Geology (GEOL)
- Gerontology and Palliative Care - Interprofessional Practice
- Gerontology (GERO)
- Gerontology (GERT)
- Global Business Management
- Goldsmithing/Silversmithing (GLDS)
- Golf Degree (GLFD)
- Golf (GOLF)
- Golf Industry Management
- Government (GOVT)
- Graphic Design
- Graphic Design (GRPH)
- Graphic Design Production
- Hairstyling
- Hairstyling (HAIR)
- Hairstyling Techniques - Apprenticeship
- Health (HLTH)
- Health Sciences (HSCI)
- Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (HRAC)
- Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technician
- Honours Bachelor of Business Administration (Automotive Management)
- Honours Bachelor of Business Administration (Management and Leadership)
- Honours Bachelor of Counselling Psychology
- Honours Bachelor of Industrial Design
- Honours Bachelor of Interior Design
- Honours Bachelor of Police Studies
- Honours Bachelor of Science - Nursing
- Honours Bachelor of Science – Nursing RPN to BScN Advanced Standing Pathway (Bridge)
- Hospitality Administration (HADM)
- Hospitality and Tourism (HOSP)
- Hospitality - Hotel and Resort Operations Management
- Hospitality Management (HSPM)
- html
- html
- html
- Human Development (HUMD)
- Humanities (HUMA)
- Humanities (HUMN)
- Human Resource Management (HRMG)
- Human Resource Management (HRMN)
- Human Resource Management (HURM)
- Human Resources French (HMRF)
- Human Resources Management
- Human Resources Studies
- Human Services (HUMS)
- Indigenous Community and Social Development
- Indigenous Studies (INDG)
- Interactive Media Design - Web
- Interdisciplinary (INTS)
- Interior Decorating
- Interior Decorating (IDEC)
- Interior Design (INDE)
- Interior Design (INDS)
- Interior Design (INTD)
- Jewellery and Metals (JEWL)
- Jewellery Design, Bench Skills and Business
- Justice and Public Safety (JUST)
- Justice, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging
- Languages (LANG)
- Languages (LANS)
- Law and Justice (JURI)
- Law Clerk
- Law (LAWS)
- Learn Key Courses (LKEY)
- Legal Studies (LEGL)
- Liberal Arts Elective (ARTL)
- Life Skills (LIFS)
- Literacy and Basic Skills (LABS)
- Maajii-Anishnaabemdaa (Start Speaking the Language)
- Machine Shop - General Machining Apprenticeship
- Machine Shop - Mould Maker Apprenticeship
- Machine Shop - Tool and Die Apprenticeship
- Machining (MCHN)
- Machinist (MACH)
- Management (MGMT)
- Management (MNGM)
- Manufacturing Techniques - Millwright Apprenticeship
- Marine Emergency Duties (MAED)
- Marine Engineering Management (MEMG)
- Marine Engineering (MARE)
- Marine Engineering Technology
- Marine Studies (MARI)
- Marine Technology - Navigation
- Marketing - French (MKTF)
- Marketing Management
- Marketing (MKTG)
- Marketing (MRKT)
- Massage Therapy
- Massage Therapy (MASG)
- Mathematics - French (MATF)
- Mathematics (MATC)
- Mathematics (MATH)
- Mathematics (MATS)
- Mechanical Engineering (MENG)
- Mechanical Engineering Technology
- Mechanical Technician - Precision Skills
- Mechanical Techniques - Construction Boilermaker Apprenticeship
- Mechanical Techniques - Marine Engine Apprenticeship
- Mechanical Techniques - Marine Engine Mechanic
- Mechanical Techniques - Small Engine Apprenticeship
- Mechanical Techniques - Small Engine Mechanic
- Medical Laboratory Assistant
- Medical Laboratory Technology
- Medical Skin Care (MDSC)
- Medical Skin Care Therapies
- Medical Transcription - Health Records
- Mental Health - Interprofessional Practice
- Meteorology (METE)
- Millwright Mechanic (MMEC)
- Mobile Application Development
- Mobile Applic Development (MDEV)
- Motive Power Fundamentals - Automotive Service Apprenticeship
- Mould Making (MLDM)
- Mourning, Grief and Bereavement
- Multimedia Installation and Support (MUIS)
- Museum and Gallery Studies
- Museum and Gallery Studies (MUSM)
- Music (MUSC)
- Native Education (NATV)
- NC Languages (LANS)
- Networks (NETS)
- NFPA 1031 Fire Inspector Level I (Micro-credential)
- Non Credit Courses
- Nursing (NRSG)
- Nursing (NURS)
- Nutrition (NUTR)
- Occupational Health and Safety (OCHS)
- Occupational/Physical Therapist (OCPT)
- Occupational Therapist Assistant and Physiotherapist Assistant
- Occupation Specific Language Training (OSLT)
- Office Administration - Executive
- Office Administration - Executive
- Office Administration - General
- Office Administration - Health Services
- Office Administration (OFAD)
- Ontario Management Development (OMDP)
- Ophthalmic Practice (OPHT)
- Opticianry
- Opticianry (OPTI)
- Opticianry Refraction (OPTR)
- Painting (PNTG)
- Paralegal
- Paramedic
- Paramedic (PARA)
- Pathways to Employment (PATH)
- Performing Arts (PART)
- Personal Attendant (PATT)
- Personal Support Worker
- Personal Support Worker (PSWR)
- PG Dialysis (DIAL)
- Pharmacy (PHRM)
- Pharmacy Technician
- Philosophy (PHIL)
- Photography and Filmmaking (PHTO)
- Photography Essentials (Micro-credential)
- Photography (PHOT)
- Physics (PHYS)
- Plumbing (PLMB)
- Plumbing Techniques
- Plumbing Techniques - Apprenticeship
- Police Foundations
- Police Foundations (PFPR)
- Police Qualifying Bridge (POBR)
- Police Studies (POLC)
- Political Science (POLS)
- Post Graduate Courses
- Post Secondary Courses
- Power Engineering (PENG)
- Power Engineering Technology
- Practical Nursing
- Pre-Apprentice (Electrician) Training (PAET)
- Pre-Apprentice General Carpentry (PAGC)
- Pre-Apprentice Hairstylist (PAPH)
- Pre-Apprentice Plumbing (PAPB)
- Pre-Apprentice (PREA)
- Pre-Apprenticeship - Construction and Mechanical
- Pre-Apprenticeship - Construction Skills
- Pre-Apprenticeship - Construction Technology
- Pre-Apprenticeship-Electrical
- Pre-Apprenticeship Industrial Mechanic/Industrial Electrician and Welder
- Pre-Apprenticeship - Marine Level One
- Pre-Apprentice Small Engine Technician/Welding (PASE)
- PreApp Weld,GenMach/GenCarp (PWMC)
- Pre-health Sciences Pathway to Advanced Diplomas and Degrees
- Pre-service Firefighter Education and Training
- Printmaking (PRNT)
- Project Management
- Protection, Security and Investigation
- Protection, Security and Investigation (PSIN)
- PS Comprehensive Exams: OPTI (OPTX)
- PS Computers (COMP)
- PS Co-op Hour (CPHR)
- PS Co-op Hour (CPHR)
- PS Economics (ECON)
- Psychology (PSYC)
- Psychology (PSYL)
- Public Relations - Corporate Communications (PRCC)
- Real Estate (REAL)
- Recreation and Leisure (RECR)
- Recreation and Leisure Services
- Recreation and Leisure Services
- Registered Nursing (RNRS)
- Research Analyst
- Research Analyst (RAPP)
- Research (REAS)
- Research (RSCH)
- Retirement and Assisted Care Management
- Robotics (ROBT)
- Sanitation Safety (SANI)
- Science (SCEN)
- Science (SCIE)
- Sculpture (SCUL)
- Search Classes
- Ski Resort Operations (SKIR)
- Small Business Trades Management
- Small Engine (SENG)
- Social Entrepreneurship - Not for Profit (SENP)
- Social Science (SOSC)
- Social Service Worker
- Social Service Worker (SSWK)
- Sociology (SOCI)
- Sociology (SOCL)
- Spa and Esthetics (SPAE)
- Sport Administration
- Sport Administration (SPRT)
- Statistics (STAS)
- Statistics (STAT)
- Statistics (STCS)
- Statistiques (STAF)
- Supply Chain Management - Global
- Surveying (SURV)
- Sustainable Systems (SUST)
- Teacher Training (TTRN)
- Teaching and Training Adults (Micro-credential)
- Teaching and Training Adults (TATA)
- Tea Sommelier (TEAS)
- Technical Reports (TECR)
- Technology and Trades (TECH)
- Thanatology (Death Studies) (THAN)
- Theatre (THEA)
- Theology (THEO)
- Therapeutic Recreation
- Therapeutic Recreation (TREC)
- Tool and Die (TDIE)
- Tourism
- Tourism and Hospitality (TOUR)
- Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCMP)
- Tuition Short Upgrading courses
- Veterinary Assistant
- Veterinary Assistant (VETA)
- Veterinary Technician
- Veterinary Technician (VETC)
- Victimology (VICT)
- Visual and Digital Media Arts