Indigenous Community and Social Development
Program: ICSD
Credential: Ontario College Diploma, Co-op
Delivery: Full-time
Work Integrated Learning: 2 Co-op Work Terms
Length: 4 Semesters, plus 2 work terms
Duration: 2 Years
Effective: Fall 2025
Location: Barrie
In this program, students focus on the planning, evaluation and administration of social/health care programs and services within Indigenous communities and organizations. Students study business and community development, health and well-being, language and culture while integrating cultural, social and health issues relevant to Indigenous peoples in Canada.
Cultural teachings and smudging are integrated daily throughout each academic semester in social activities, individual program courses, and Traditional Teacher/Elder visits.
Please note: Indigenous includes First Nations, Metis, Inuit and Non-Status People.
Career Opportunities
Students are prepared for administration and front-line staff positions within organizations such as community health centres, school boards, post-secondary institutions, social service organizations, healing lodges and mental health centres.
Program Learning Outcomes
The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to:
1. create a personal vision based on one's identity to maintain personal wellness and to support others in their wellness journey;
2. practice cultural safety and awareness through an exploration of Indigenous culture, language, traditions, and healing when coordinating activities within an organization or community;
3. practice Indigenous cultural traditions to promote sustainable practices in the community;
4. analyze the social, economic and generational factors that impact and influence the health of Indigenous people and communities to provide the necessary support with compassion and empathy;
5. recognize mental health and Indigenous perspectives of illness to support and connect individuals and communities with appropriate forms of assistance;
6. support individuals and families in a variety of settings using Western and Indigenous counselling philosophies and approaches;
7. apply entrepreneurial strategies to support community growth and social development;
8. prepare presentations, proposals, and documents to support workplace or community projects;
9. use a variety of strategies to assist Indigenous people to build healthier individuals, families, and communities;
10. examine the effects of historical and contemporary legal and political decisions on Indigenous people in order to promote positive community growth and social development;
11. practice accountability, professionalism and ethical behaviour when working within the community and workplace.
Practical Experience
All co-operative education programs at Georgian contain mandatory work term experiences aligned with program learning outcomes. Co-op work terms are designed to integrate academic learning with work experience, supporting the development of industry specific competencies and employability skills.
Georgian College holds membership with, and endeavours to follow, the co-operative education guidelines set out by the Co-operative Education and Work Integrated Learning Canada (CEWIL) and Experiential and Work-Integrated Ontario (EWO) as supported by the Ministry of Colleges and Universities.
Co-op is facilitated as a supported, competitive job search process. Students are required to complete a Co-op and Career Preparation course scheduled prior to their first co-op work term. Students engage in an active co-op job search that includes applying to positions posted by Co-op Consultants, and personal networking. Co-op work terms are scheduled according to a formal sequence that alternates academic and co-op semesters as shown in the program progression below.
Programs may have additional requirements such as a valid driver’s license, strong communication skills, industry specific certifications, and ability to travel. Under exceptional circumstances, a student may be unable to complete the program progression as shown below. Please refer to Georgian College Academic Regulations for details.
International co-op work terms are supported and encouraged, when aligned with program requirements.
Further information on co-op services can be found at
Program Progression
The following reflects the planned progression for full-time offerings of the program.
Fall Intake
- Sem 1: Fall 2025
- Sem 2: Winter 2026
- Work Term 1: Summer 2026
- Sem 3: Fall 2026
- Sem 4: Winter 2027
- Work Term 2: Summer 2027
A number of articulation agreements have been negotiated with universities and other institutions across Canada, North America and internationally. These agreements are assessed, revised and updated on a regular basis. Please contact the program co-ordinator for specific details if you are interested in pursuing such an option. Additional information can be found on our website at
Admission Requirements
- Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) or equivalent or mature student status
- Grade 12 English (E, C or U) or Grade 12 Literacy Course (OLC4O)
Mature students, non-secondary school applicants (19 years or older), and home school applicants may also be considered for admission. Eligibility may be met by applicants who have taken equivalent courses, upgrading, completed their GED, and equivalency testing. For complete details refer to:
Applicants who have taken courses from a recognized and accredited post-secondary institution and/or have relevant life/learning experience may also be considered for admission; refer to the Credit for Prior Learning website for details:
Graduation Requirements
18 Program Courses
2 Communications Courses
4 General Education Courses
2 Co-op Work Terms
Graduation Eligibility
To graduate from this program, the passing weighted average for promotion through each semester, from year to year, and to graduate is 60%. Additionally, a student must attain a minimum of 50% or a letter grade of P (Pass) or S (Satisfactory) in each course in each semester unless otherwise stated on the course outline.
Program Tracking
The following reflects the planned course sequence for full-time offerings of the Fall intake of the program. Where more than one intake is offered contact the program co-ordinator for the program tracking.
Semester 1 | Hours | |
Program Courses | ||
COMP 1003 | Microcomputer Applications | 42 |
GNED 1010 | Ojibwe Language and Culture 1 | 42 |
INDG 1000 | Personal Growth and Development | 42 |
INDG 1001 | Indigenous Heritage, Tradition and Culture | 42 |
Communications Course | ||
Select 1 course from the communications list during registration. | 42 | |
General Education Course | ||
Select 1 course from the general education list during registration. | 42 | |
Hours | 252 | |
Semester 2 | ||
Program Courses | ||
GNED 2055 | Ojibwe Language and Culture 2 | 42 |
INDG 1002 | Indigenous Community and Family Life | 42 |
INDG 1003 | Introduction to Psychology: An Indigenous Perspective | 42 |
INDG 1004 | Holistic Health and Healing | 42 |
Communications Course | ||
Select 1 course from the communications list during registration. | 42 | |
General Education Course | ||
Select 1 course from the general education list during registration. | 42 | |
Hours | 252 | |
Semester 3 | ||
Program Courses | ||
GNED 2074 | Ojibwe Language and Culture 3 | 42 |
INDG 2000 | Indigenous People and Health Care | 42 |
INDG 2001 | Introduction to Counselling | 42 |
INDG 2002 | Indigenous Treaties, Rights and Laws | 42 |
INDG 2003 | Community Growth and Program Development | 42 |
General Education Course | ||
Select 1 course from the general education list during registration. | 42 | |
Hours | 252 | |
Semester 4 | ||
Program Courses | ||
GNED 2065 | Ojibwe Language and Culture 4 | 42 |
INDG 2004 | Community Administration and Human Resource Practices | 42 |
INDG 2005 | Family Counselling | 42 |
INDG 2006 | Indigenous Proposal Development | 42 |
INDG 2007 | Indigenous Cultural Safety and Awareness | 42 |
General Education Course | ||
Select 1 course from the general education list during registration. | 42 | |
Hours | 252 | |
Total Hours | 1008 |
Co-op Work Terms | Hours | |
COOP 1046 | Indigenous Education Work Term 1 (occurs after Semester 2) | 425 |
COOP 2037 | Indigenous Education Work Term 2 (occurs after Semester 4) | 425 |
Hours | 850 | |
Total Hours | 850 |
Graduation Window
Students unable to adhere to the program duration of two years (as stated above) may take a maximum of four years to complete their credential. After this time, students must be re-admitted into the program, and follow the curriculum in place at the time of re-admission.
Disclaimer: The information in this document is correct at the time of publication. Academic content of programs and courses is revised on an ongoing basis to ensure relevance to changing educational objectives and employment market needs.
Program outlines may be subject to change in response to emerging situations, in order to facilitate student achievement of the learning outcomes required for graduation. Components such as courses, progression, coop work terms, placements, internships and other requirements may be delivered differently than published.