Honours Bachelor of Industrial Design

Program: HBID
Credential: Honours Bachelor Degree
Delivery: Full-time
Work Integrated Learning: 3 Co-op Work Terms
Length: 8 semesters
Duration: 4 years
Effective: Intake suspension Fall 2025
Location: Barrie


Georgian’s Honours Bachelor of Industrial Design program will equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to drive creativity and innovation in the field of design, emphasizing a human-centered design approach and integrating faculty expertise across various sectors and disciplines.

You’ll be immersed in social innovation as you explore how you can impact social change through design. Additionally, you’ll engage in strategic problem-solving design processes and use leading edge and disruptive technologies - such as VR/AR/MR, AI, and additive manufacturing - to generate creative solutions for consumer needs and business challenges in a fast-paced environment.

You’ll acquire the skills and competencies of the entire design production cycle from concept to final product, and have the opportunity to design interactive digital products, environments, and systems and services, which focus on optimal user interface and experience and make a positive impact in the world.

Through significant work-integrated learning opportunities with industry and community partnerships and other experiential learning opportunities, you’ll undertake industry and applied research projects, via thesis, design studio, and other courses.

As a critical and analytical thinker, you'll integrate interdisciplinary perspectives as you learn from the perspective of the designer, engineer, and technologist. As a graduate of this degree, you will be well prepared to work across diverse sectors, including healthcare, manufacturing, transportation, and engineering.

Career Opportunities

Graduates may manage projects, study behaviours, and advise clients on implementation of new technology and business solutions. Working individually or in teams, they may develop concepts, create models, and prepare technical documentation and presentations. They may be employed by manufacturing industries and private design firms or they may be self-employed. Specifically, students may find employment as business products designers, consumer products designers, ergonomic products designers, furniture designers, industrial design consultants, industrial designers, industrial products designers, or product designers.

Program Learning Outcomes

The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to:

  1. produce two- and three-dimensional graphic representations, and various material artifacts used to effectively communicate the design intent, development, and outcomes with partners and clients;
  2. prepare relevant technical documentation in support to the proposed design solutions;
  3. research, analyze, and synthesize the factors determining feasible solutions that correctly and completely respond to needs, constraints, and limitations in design;
  4. correctly evaluate the physical qualities and capabilities of materials and mechanical systems;
  5. develop final design solutions to optimize use of materials, manufacturing processes, user safety, and marketability;
  6. produce designs that address human-centered needs and demonstrate an understanding of diverse cultures and global contexts;
  7. evaluate user's emotional response, analyze human behaviour, and apply this knowledge to design products, services, and environments that enhance user's experience;
  8. create design solutions that comprehensively respond to functional needs and esthetic expectations of the user;
  9. identify, process, and respond to corporate client needs and create robust solutions that meet or exceed expectations, initiate change through effective implementation strategies, and forecast the impact of an innovative product concept;
  10. solve technical problems related to design through the application of appropriate science and technology knowledge;
  11. collaborate with other specialties and design-related stakeholders;
  12. use and evaluate current and emerging design technologies;
  13. create design solutions that employ current and emerging technologies in the industry;
  14. identify project constraints, evaluate feasible solutions, and make appropriate material and manufacturing process decisions for a successful design outcome;
  15. employ environmentally sustainable practices within the profession;
  16. apply basic entrepreneurial strategies to identify and respond to new opportunities;
  17. comply with professional governing legislation, conform to industry specific regulation, and follow ethical principles specific to industrial design business practice.

Practical Experience

All co-operative education programs at Georgian contain mandatory work term experiences aligned with program learning outcomes.  Co-op work terms are designed to integrate academic learning with work experience, supporting the development of industry specific competencies and employability skills.

Georgian College holds membership with, and endeavours to follow, the co-operative education guidelines set out by the Co-operative Education and Work Integrated Learning Canada (CEWIL) and Experiential and Work-Integrated Ontario (EWO) as supported by the Ministry of Colleges and Universities.

Co-op is facilitated as a supported, competitive job search process. Students are required to complete a Co-op and Career Preparation course scheduled prior to their first co-op work term. Students engage in an active co-op job search that includes applying to positions posted by Co-op Consultants, and personal networking.  Co-op work terms are scheduled according to a formal sequence that alternates academic and co-op semesters as shown in the program progression below.

Programs may have additional requirements such as a valid driver’s license, strong communication skills, industry specific certifications, and ability to travel. Under exceptional circumstances, a student may be unable to complete the program progression as shown below. Please refer to Georgian College Academic Regulations for details.   

International co-op work terms are supported and encouraged, when aligned with program requirements.

Further information on co-op services can be found at www.GeorgianCollege.ca/co-op

Program Progression

The following reflects the planned progression for full-time offerings of the program.

Intake suspension Fall 2025

Fall Intake

  • Sem 1: Fall 2025
  • Sem 2: Winter 2026
  • Sem 3: Summer 2026
  • Sem 4: Winter 2027
  • Sem 5: Summer 2027
  • Sem 6: Fall 2027
  • Work Term 1: Winter 2028
  • Work Term 2: Summer 2028
  • Work Term 3: Fall 2028
  • Sem 7: Winter 2029
  • Sem 8: Summer 2029

Admission Requirements

  • Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, mature student status 
  • minimum overall average of 65 per cent
  • six Grade 12 U level courses including
  • Grade 12 U level English with a minimum grade of 65 percent
  • Grade 12 U level Mathematics with a minimum grade of 60 percent.

Applicants must meet minimum averages to receive final acceptance.

Students presenting equivalent qualifications will also be considered for admission. A second grade 12 university or university/college Mathematics course is highly recommended.

Mature applicants may also be considered for admission to this program providing their previous school performance and/or recent work record suggests a strong possibility of academic success. In order to qualify, applicants must be 19 years of age on or before the commencement of the program and must have been away from formal education for at least one year immediately prior to beginning studies. Mature applicants must meet subject prerequisites prior to registration.

Applicants should be aware that first-year enrolment is limited; satisfying minimum entrance requirements does not guarantee admission.

Selection Process

A portfolio of applicant's original work is required to be submitted digitally, including five to seven personal work pieces, such as hand drawings (originals, scanned, or photographs), computer developed models, photos of mock-ups or prototypes, etc., and one written document of 200 words, which describes his/her interest in, and knowledge of, the industrial design profession.

For portfolio submissions, send to the Academic Program Assistant at portfolios@georgiancollege.ca. Please include your name, student number and OCAS number.

Additional Information

This college has been granted consent by the Minister of Colleges and Universities to offer this applied degree for a term starting December 17, 2019 and ending March 20, 2030. The college shall ensure that all students admitted to the above-named program during the period of consent will have the opportunity to complete the program within a reasonable time frame.

Non-core courses are required in all degree programs to meet the Ministry of Colleges and Universities benchmark for depth and breadth in degree-level learning. These courses are designed to give students the tools to develop interdisciplinary perspectives that inform their approach to their own discipline, their continued education and their life outside work.

Students are required to take: at least one first year interdisciplinary course (INTS1xxx); two introductory courses in their choice of disciplines outside their main field of study, which may include psychology (PSYC 1000 or PSYC 1001), social science (SOCI 1000), humanities (HUMA 1012), or science (SCEN 1000); one advanced course in a discipline (ex. PSYC3xxx, SOSC3xxx, HUMA3xxx), and; one upper level interdisciplinary course (INTS4xxx). These courses and any remaining non-core course requirements to be selected from the program list.

Graduation Requirements

28 Core Courses
2 Elective Core Courses
6 Non-Core Courses
4 Elective Non-Core Courses
3 Co-op Work Terms

Graduation Eligibility

To graduate from this program, a student must attain a minimum of 60 percent or a letter grade of P (Pass) or S (Satisfactory) in each course in each semester, and have an overall average of 65 percent in core courses and 60% in non-core courses.

Program Tracking

The following reflects the planned course sequence for full-time offerings of the Fall intake of the program. Where more  than one intake is offered  contact the program co-ordinator for the program tracking.

Plan of Study Grid
Semester 1Hours
Core Courses  
INDD 1000 Form and Colour Studio 84
INDD 1001 Drawing for Design 42
INDD 1002 Design, Art, and Technology 42
INDD 1007 Perception and Emotion 42
Non-Core Course  
PSYC 1000 Introduction to Psychology 1 42
Semester 2
Core Courses  
INDD 1004 Form and Function Studio 84
INDD 1005 Design Technologies 42
INDD 1006 Human Factors and Ergonomics 42
INDD 1003 Applied Mechanics 42
Non-Core Course  
INTS 1002 Introduction to Multidisciplinary Research 42
Semester 3
Core Courses  
INDD 2000 Industrial Design Studio 1 84
INDD 2001 Fundamentals of Computer Aided Design 42
INDD 2002 Interaction Design 42
INDD 2003 Materials in Design 42
Non-Core Course  
STAS 2000 Quantitative Methods and Statistics 56
Semester 4
Core Courses  
INDD 2004 Industrial Design Studio 2 84
INDD 2005 Advanced Computer Aided Design 42
INDD 2006 Human Experience and Interactions 42
INDD 2007 Manufacturing Technologies 42
Non-Core Course  
RSCH 2000 Qualitative Research Methods 42
Semester 5
Core Courses  
INDD 3000 Industrial Design Studio 3 84
INDD 3001 Intelligent Systems 42
INDD 3002 Identity and Branding 42
Elective Core Course  
Select 1 course from the elective core courses list available during registration 42
Elective Non-Core Course  
Select 1 course at the HUMA, SOCI or SCEN 1000-level from the elective core courses list available during registration 42
Semester 6
Core Courses  
INDD 3003 Industrial Design Studio 4 84
INDD 3004 Emerging Technologies 42
INDD 3005 Marketing for Industrial Design 42
Elective Core Course  
Select 1 course from the elective core courses list available during registration 42
Elective Non-Core Course  
Select 1 course at the 3000-level from the available list during registration 42
Semester 7
Core Courses  
INDD 4000 Industrial Design Thesis Preparation 84
INDD 4001 Multidisciplinary Seminar 1 42
Non-Core Course  
INDD 4002 Inclusive Design 42
MNGM 1001 Management Principles 42
Elective Non-Core Course  
Select 1 course at the 4000-level from the available list during registration 42
Semester 8
Core Courses  
INDD 4003 Industrial Design Thesis Presentation 84
INDD 4004 Multidisciplinary Seminar 2 42
INDD 4005 Global Context 42
Non-Core Course  
ENTP 4000 Topics in Entrepreneurship 42
Elective Non-Core Course  
Select 1 course from the elective core courses list available during registration 42
 Total Hours2030
Plan of Study Grid
Co-op Work TermsHours
COOP 3015 Honours Bachelor of Industrial Design Work Term 1 420
COOP 3016 Honours Bachelor of Industrial Design Work Term 2 420
COOP 3017 Honours Bachelor of Industrial Design Work Term 3 420
 Total Hours1260
Elective Core Courses may include:
INDD 3006Design for Health
INDD 3007Collaborative Creativity
INDD 3008Information, Materials, and Energy
INDD 3009Transportation Design
INDD 3010Multidisciplinary Design
INDD 3011Sustainable Solutions

Graduation Window

Students unable to adhere to the program duration of four years (as stated above) may take a maximum of eight years to complete their credential. After this time, students must be re-admitted into the program, and follow the curriculum in place at the time of re-admission.

Disclaimer: The information in this document is correct at the time of publication. Academic content of programs and courses is revised on an ongoing basis to ensure relevance to changing educational objectives and employment market needs. 

Program outlines may be subject to change in response to emerging situations, in order to facilitate student achievement of the learning outcomes required for graduation. Components such as courses, progression, coop work terms, placements, internships and other requirements may be delivered differently than published.

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