College Foundations

Program: COLF
Credential: Ontario College Certificate
Delivery: Full-time + Part-time
Length: 2 semesters
Duration: 1 year
Effective: Fall 2025
Location: Barrie, Owen Sound


College Foundations is a one-year Ontario College Certificate designed for students seeking access to a broad range of college programs. As a student in this program, you can determine your academic goals and career pathways by selecting courses from a variety of vocationally specific programs. Additionally, you develop critical thinking skills and apply success strategies to support your academic and career development. As a student in this program, you gain skills and credits for transfer into further vocational post-secondary study or prepare to enter the workplace. 

Career Opportunities

Graduates of this program may find entry-level positions in the workplace or apply to other college programs, provided they meet program-specific admission requirements. 

Successful completion of this program does not guarantee entry into any college program.

Program Learning Outcomes

The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to:

1. communicate ideas and messages using appropriate formats and styles for diverse audiences in a variety of settings;

2. apply research methods to gather, interpret, and use information appropriately for a variety of purposes and contexts;

3. assess one’s own academic and vocational strengths to identify opportunities in planning future career pathways;

4. analyze the social, cultural, and political components of a diverse society to develop personal and social responsibility as a global citizen;

5. use critical thinking processes and problem-solving techniques to address academic and personal challenges and make career development choices.

Program Progression

The following reflects the planned progression for full-time offerings of the program.

Fall Intake 

  • Sem 1: Fall 2025
  • Sem 2: Winter 2026

Admission Requirements

  • Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) or equivalent, or mature student status
  • Grade 12 English (E, C or U) or Grade 12 Literacy Course (OLC4O)

Mature students, non-secondary school applicants (19 years or older), and home school applicants may also be considered for admission. Eligibility may be met by applicants who have taken equivalent courses, upgrading, completed their GED, and equivalency testing. For complete details refer to:

Applicants who have taken courses from a recognized and accredited post-secondary institution and/or have relevant life/learning experience may also be considered for admission; refer to the Credit for Prior Learning website for details:

Graduation Requirements

4 Program Courses
5 Program Option Courses
2 General Education Courses
1 Communications Course

Graduation Eligibility

To graduate from this program, the passing weighted average for promotion through each semester, and to graduate is 60%. Additionally, a student must attain a minimum of 50% or a letter grade of P (Pass) or S (Satisfactory) in each course in each semester unless otherwise stated on the course outline.

Program Tracking

The following reflects the planned course sequence for full-time offerings of the Fall intake of the program. Where more  than one intake is offered  contact the program co-ordinator for the program tracking.

Plan of Study Grid
Semester 1Hours
Program Courses  
LIBA 1000 Learning Strategies 56
LIBA 1001 College Exploration 56
Communications Course  
Select 1 course from the communications list during registration. 42
General Education Course  
Select 1 course from the general education list during registration. 42
Program Option Courses  
Select 2 courses from the available list during registration in consultation with the Program Co-ordinator. 84
Semester 2
Program Courses  
LIBA 1002 Critical and Creative Thinking 42
LIBA 1003 Social Change in Action 56
General Education Course  
Select 1 course from the general education list during registration. 42
Program Option Courses  
Select 3 courses from the available list during registration in consultation with the Program Co-ordinator. 126
 Total Hours546

Graduation Window

Students unable to adhere to the program duration of one year (as stated above) may take a maximum of two years to complete their credential. After this time, students must be re-admitted into the program, and follow the curriculum in place at the time of re-admission.

Disclaimer: The information in this document is correct at the time of publication. Academic content of programs and courses is revised on an ongoing basis to ensure relevance to changing educational objectives and employment market needs. 

Program outlines may be subject to change in response to emerging situations, in order to facilitate student achievement of the learning outcomes required for graduation. Components such as courses, progression, coop work terms, placements, internships and other requirements may be delivered differently than published.

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