Honours Bachelor of Business Administration (Management and Leadership)

Program: BBML
Credential: Honours Bachelor Degree
Delivery: Full-time + Part-time
Work Integrated Learning: 2 Co-op Work Terms
Length: 8 Semesters, plus 2 work terms
Duration: 4 Years
Effective: Fall 2024
Location: Barrie


Students are provided a degree-level education in business with a special focus on management and leadership. Students explore current issues, trends and technologies preparing them to adopt innovative approaches to evolving management and leadership issues. Entrepreneurship is a Georgian College signature learning experience, and a number of core and optional courses focused on entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship are offered. Interactive curriculum delivery in this program promotes critical thinking and problem solving. A strategically sequential co-op structure serves to maximize the link between theory and practice.

Career Opportunities

Graduates are expected to accept leadership responsibility at a high level, think critically and innovatively, synthesize their learning to solve complex management problems, and apply these attributes to their professional development as dynamic managers and leaders who excel in a wide range of business settings. Graduates will emerge with competency in generating and interpreting numerical or statistical information; skills in analyzing, synthesizing and evaluating complex material; problem solving and critical thinking processes; and negotiation, leadership, and management skills.

Program Learning Outcomes

The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to:

  1. analyze, evaluate and solve organizational problems by applying appropriate business and economic models, integrating knowledge about marketing, law, accounting and finance, operations and human resources management functions, in both domestic and international contexts;
  2. design, implement and monitor initiatives aimed at improving the quality, effectiveness and efficiency of employees, processes, and functions of an organization, recognizing that uncertainty, ambiguity and the limits of knowledge will affect the success of these initiatives, and require their continuous monitoring and adjustment;
  3. apply current theory and practice about leadership in a variety of settings;
  4. assess organizational management and leadership strategy for the use of the internet to provide value both internally and externally to clients and other users;
  5. acquire, analyze, evaluate and use data to improve organizational performance and management decision-making;
  6. communicate ideas in effective and appropriate ways, appropriate to the audience and message;
  7. employ effective and professional communication skills and techniques to interact, negotiate, collaborate, lead and manage people;
  8. formulate appropriate management and leadership strategies and develop plans to achieve organizational goals, based on assessment of costs, benefits, risks and opportunities in both domestic and international settings;
  9. interpret and use financial reports to assess the overall financial performance of an organization;
  10. evaluate marketing strategies and assess their impact on achievement of organizational goals;
  11. assess the effectiveness of management information systems in managing an organization’s activities and achieving organization goals;
  12. judge and adjust human resources strategies to respond to current and future labour market conditions;
  13. differentiate and practice appropriate professional behaviour related to ethical and legal codes of conduct;
  14. apply self-awareness, self-management and self-direction in the use of leadership theory to achieve personal and organization-related goals;
  15. exhibit an appreciation of the need for managers and leaders to engage in life-long learning and the usefulness of developing a broad range of interests.

Practical Experience

All co-operative education programs at Georgian contain mandatory work term experiences aligned with program learning outcomes.  Co-op work terms are designed to integrate academic learning with work experience, supporting the development of industry specific competencies and employability skills.

Georgian College holds membership with, and endeavours to follow, the co-operative education guidelines set out by the Co-operative Education and Work Integrated Learning Canada (CEWIL) and Experiential and Work-Integrated Ontario (EWO) as supported by the Ministry of Colleges and Universities.

Co-op is facilitated as a supported, competitive job search process. Students are required to complete a Co-op and Career Preparation course scheduled prior to their first co-op work term. Students engage in an active co-op job search that includes applying to positions posted by Co-op Consultants, and personal networking.  Co-op work terms are scheduled according to a formal sequence that alternates academic and co-op semesters as shown in the program progression below.

Programs may have additional requirements such as a valid driver’s license, strong communication skills, industry specific certifications, and ability to travel. Under exceptional circumstances, a student may be unable to complete the program progression as shown below. Please refer to Georgian College Academic Regulations for details.   

International co-op work terms are supported and encouraged, when aligned with program requirements.

Further information on co-op services can be found at www.GeorgianCollege.ca/co-op

Program Progression

The following reflects the planned progression for full-time offerings of the program.

Fall Intake

  • Sem 1: Fall 2024
  • Sem 2: Winter 2025
  • Sem 3: Fall 2025
  • Sem 4: Winter 2026
  • Work Term 1: Summer 2026
  • Sem 5: Fall 2026
  • Sem 6: Winter 2027
  • Work Term 2: Summer 2027
  • Sem 7: Fall 2027
  • Sem 8: Winter 2028

Admission Requirements

OSSD or equivalent with

  • minimum overall average of 65 per cent
  • six Grade 12 U or M level courses
  • Grade 12 English U
  • Grade 12 U level Mathematics.

Degree Completion For Graduates Of 2-Year Business-General College Diploma Program from any recognized public Ontario College with a GPA of 70 Per Cent (B-) Or Higher do not require the 12U English and Mathematics admissions criteria. 

Mature applicants may also be considered for admission to this program providing their previous school performance and/or recent work record suggests a strong possibility of academic success. In order to qualify, applicants must be 19 years of age by December 31 of the year of admission and must have been away from formal education for at least one year immediately prior to beginning studies. Mature applicants must meet subject prerequisites prior to registration.

Applicants should be aware that first-year enrolment is limited; satisfying minimum entrance requirements does not guarantee admission.

Selection Process

Selection is based on academic grades and subject prerequisites; applicants must meet minimum averages to receive final acceptance.

Additional Information

This college has been granted consent by the Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities to offer this applied degree for a seven-year term starting January 21, 2015. The college shall ensure that all students admitted to the program during the period of consent will have the opportunity to complete the program within a reasonable time frame.

Non-core courses are required in all degree programs to meet the Ministry of Colleges and Universities benchmark for depth and breadth in degree-level learning. These courses are designed to give students the tools to develop interdisciplinary perspectives that inform their approach to their own discipline, their continued education and their life outside work.

Students are required to take: at least one first year interdisciplinary course (INTS1xxx); two introductory courses in their choice of disciplines outside their main field of study, which may include psychology (PSYC 1000 or PSYC 1001), social science (SOCI 1000), humanities (HUMA 1012), or science (SCEN 1000); one advanced course in a discipline (ex. PSYC3xxx, SOSC3xxx, HUMA3xxx), and; one upper level interdisciplinary course (INTS4xxx). These courses and any remaining non-core course requirements to be selected from the program list.

Graduation Requirements

27 Core Courses
2 Non-Core Course
5 Elective Core Courses
6 Elective Non-Core Courses
2 Co-op Work Terms

Graduation Eligibility

To graduate from this program, a student must attain a minimum of 60 percent or a letter grade of P (Pass) or S (Satisfactory) in each course in each semester, and have an overall average of 65 percent in core courses and 60% in non-core courses.

Program Tracking

The following reflects the planned course sequence for full-time offerings of the Fall intake of the program. Where more  than one intake is offered  contact the program co-ordinator for the program tracking.

Plan of Study Grid
Semester 1Hours
Core Courses  
ACTG 1000 Introduction to Accounting 42
MNGM 1000 Leadership Models and Theories 42
MNGM 1001 Management Principles 42
MRKT 1000 Introduction to Marketing 42
Non-Core Course  
INTS 1002 Introduction to Multidisciplinary Research 42
Semester 2
Core Courses  
BSNS 1001 Business Law 42
BSNS 1002 The Internet Economy 42
ECNM 1000 Microeconomics 42
MNGM 2001 Project Management 42
Non-Core Course  
INTS 1007 Interdisciplinary Modes of Communication 42
Semester 3
Core Courses  
BSNS 2004 Organizational Behaviour 42
BSNS 2005 International Business 42
ECNM 1001 Macroeconomics 42
Elective Core Courses  
Select 1 course from the elective core courses list available during registration. 42
Elective Non-Core Courses  
Select 1 of the following courses: SOCI 1000, HUMA 1012, SCEN 1000 or PSYC 1000. 42
Semester 4
Core Courses  
ACTG 2002 Management Accounting 42
BSNS 2001 Ethics for Business 42
MATS 2000 Business Mathematics 42
Elective Core Courses  
Select 1 course from the elective core courses list available during registration. 42
Elective Non-Core Courses  
Select 1 of the following courses: SOCI 1000, HUMA 1012, SCEN 1000 or PSYC 1000. 42
Semester 5
Core Courses  
FINC 3003 Corporate Finance 42
MNGM 4001 Inspiring People for / to Exceptional Performance 42
STAS 3000 Introduction to Statistical Analysis 42
Elective Core Courses  
Select 1 course from the elective core courses list available during registration. 42
Elective Non-Core Courses  
Select 1 non-core elective course (any level) from the list available during registration.. 42
Semester 6
Core Courses  
BSNS 3000 Entrepreneurship and the Business Plan 42
HRMG 4000 Human Resource Management 42
MNGM 4002 Operations Management 42
Elective Core Courses  
Select 1 course from the elective core courses list available during registration. 42
Elective Non-Core Courses  
Select 1 course at the 3000-level from the available list during registration. 42
Semester 7
Core Courses  
MNGM 4000 Strategic Management 42
MNGM 4006 Management Information Systems 42
MNGM 4007 Current Topics in Leadership 42
Elective Core Courses  
Select 1 course from the elective core course list available during registration 42
Elective Non-Core Courses  
Select 1 non-core course (any level) from the list available at registration. 42
Semester 8
Core Courses  
BSNS 4006 Dispute Resolution for Leaders 42
BSNS 4007 Change Leadership 42
MNGM 4005 Management and Leadership Project 42
MNGM 4004 Governance and Leadership 42
Elective Non-Core Courses  
Select 1 non-core INTS 4000-level elective from the list available at registration 42
 Total Hours1680
Plan of Study Grid
Co-op Work TermsHours
COOP 1038 Bachelor of Business Administration (Management and Leadership) Work Term 1 420
COOP 2032 Bachelor of Business Administration (Management and Leadership) Work Term 2 420
 Total Hours840
Elective Core Courses may include:
ACTG 2000Accounting Applications
AUTM 1002Concepts of the Automotive Industry
AUTM 1003Introduction to Aftermarket
AUTM 1007Automotive Technology
AUTM 1011Dealership Management Systems
BSNS 3002Innovation Leadership
BSNS 4001Service Excellence
BSNS 4003Risk Management
ECNM 4000International Economics
ENTP 4000Topics in Entrepreneurship
ENTP 4001Intrapreneurship
ENTP 4002Social Entrepreneurship
HSPM 3001Event Management
MNGM 1004The Holistic Leadership of Indigenous People (Miziweshinoowin-Niigaanziwin)
MNGM 2000Managing E-Business
MNGM 2004Loss, Grief and Bereavement in the Workplace
MNGM 2005Introduction to Workplace Training and Development
MNGM 4008Management of Service-Based Organizations
MRKT 1001Consumer Behaviour
MRKT 1002Marketing
MRKT 2000Automotive Sales Concepts and Applications
MRKT 3000Automotive Marketing Management
MRKT 3001Marketing Analysis
MRKT 3002Marketing Communications Planning
MRKT 4000International Marketing
SCEN 3005Environmental Science
STAS 2000Quantitative Methods and Statistics
STAS 3001Statistical Analysis

Graduation Window

Students unable to adhere to the program duration of four years (as stated above) may take a maximum of eight years to complete their credential. After this time, students must be re-admitted into the program, and follow the curriculum in place at the time of re-admission.

Disclaimer: The information in this document is correct at the time of publication. Academic content of programs and courses is revised on an ongoing basis to ensure relevance to changing educational objectives and employment market needs. 

Program outlines may be subject to change in response to emerging situations, in order to facilitate student achievement of the learning outcomes required for graduation. Components such as courses, progression, coop work terms, placements, internships and other requirements may be delivered differently than published.

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