10. Tests, examinations and graded assignments
You are responsible for writing and submitting tests, examinations, and graded assignments at the time they are scheduled, regardless of program/course delivery. You should be aware of all scheduled tests, examinations and graded assignments and ensure that you do not have any conflicts during this time. Georgian College operates within the Eastern Standard Time zone if outside of this time zone you must ensure you account for this. The final week of each term may be used for final examinations, tests, or graded assignments. You are advised not to make any travel plans or other personal arrangements during this time.
10.1 Academic accommodations
There may be circumstances that prevent you from being able to write a test, examination or submit a graded assignment on a pre-scheduled date. In all cases, if you encounter a conflict, you must contact the faculty member in charge of your course to request an academic accommodation. You must make every effort to do this as soon as the conflict is identified and well in advance of the scheduled test, examination, or graded assignment. In the case of a sudden emergency arising preventing, you from doing this in advance you must contact the faculty member as soon as you are able.
If you request academic accommodations for missed tests, examinations, graded assignments, or work-integrated learning more than once per course or multiple times in a semester, it may warrant discussions with the faculty to ensure academic integrity is maintained (Section 8.1.4 Acting with academic integrity).
Additional discussions may occur around academic integrity if you are requesting an academic accommodation for one course but continue to complete graded assignments for another course.
Faculty, in consultation with the dean/associate dean may recommend restrictions in the use of academic accommodations for a set period.
Circumstances that are eligible for academic accommodation may include:
sudden or acute physical illness or mental distress
serious injury to self or significant others
a traumatic event
conflicting religious observance schedules
varsity athletes competing in games.
Georgian College Students’ Association executive member participating in Georgian Board of Governor activities or senior management scheduled events.
military requirements
other serious personal/family crisis
Alternatively, there are other reasons for absence that are not sufficient for you to receive academic accommodation and may result in a mark of 0. Some examples of circumstances that are not eligible for academic accommodations may include:
personal or family events (e.g., vacations, weddings)
technological and/or computer failure
disability for which you are already receiving ongoing accommodations (Section 10.2 Academic accommodations for students with disabilities)
employment and conflicting work schedules
attempting to manage course loads/assignments.
Documentation to support academic accommodation requests must include the following information:
your name and student ID number
date and time of the incident/illness
a statement from an appropriate regulated health care professional that you were absent for medical reasons (if medical)
the name, license/registration number, phone number and signature of the appropriate regulated health care professional/witness (if medical)
All Georgian College students with disabilities are eligible for accommodations and support services. You must register with Accessibility Services prior to any tests or examinations to allow the faculty to make any required arrangements. Academic accommodations are designed to create access and reduce/eliminate limitations that may impact learning and participation.
Georgian College endorses and adheres to the Ontario Human Rights Code policy on accessible education and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA. Academic accommodations do not guarantee a level of achievement. Accommodations must be reasonable and cannot change the learning outcomes of the course.
Georgian College, in agreement with and in support of the Ontario Human Rights Code, is committed to respecting your religious beliefs and practices, and making academic accommodations for observances of special significance.
Every effort is made to avoid scheduling in-class or formal tests, examinations, and graded assignments on days of special religious significance to you, throughout the year. The dates for all religious holidays are taken into consideration by the Office of the Registrar and the Academic Planning Timelines and remain consistent with those in the Ontario Public Service Religious Holiday Policy. Your academic accommodations must be reasonable and cannot change the learning outcomes of the course. You must make every effort to inform your faculty well in advance of a religious event that you observe.
Faculty should inform you of the existence of this regulation and the process by which you can request academic accommodation for religious observance.
If you have more than two tests or examinations of weighted value, each of 30 per cent or more over a 24-hour period, you may connect with your faculty to discuss options for rescheduling. This discussion must take place a minimum of four weeks prior to the tests/examinations.
No evaluation is permitted after the last day of classes of a term unless otherwise agreed on by the faculty in consultation with the Office of the Registrar where appropriate.
Students in fully online courses/programs are not required to come on campus to complete assessments including tests and examinations.
Tests and examinations completed online may require students to use virtual proctoring platforms when deem necessary by faculty.
You must appear at the test room or online at least five minutes before the examination or test is scheduled to start.
No one is allowed into a test room or the online environment during an examination or test except the students writing the examination or test and the faculty and approved proctor.
All of your bags, books, and devices such as phones must be left in areas designated by the faculty (not taken to a desk or table). If online, your online environment should be free of bags, books, and all devices as well.
Faculty may ban any device deemed to compromise the integrity of a test or examination both in person and online.
You must have your student ID (ONEcard) or government-issued photo ID (driver’s license, Ontario Photo Card, or passport; health cards will not be accepted), available for admission into the test room or for the online environment. For in-person tests or examinations, you should place the card on your desk (where it can be seen). If you are using the digital ONEcard, you must abide by direction from faculty regarding personal devices and be prepared to show your digital ONEcard upon request. For online tests and examinations, you should be prepared to show your ID as stated above, upon request.
Faculty have the authority to assign you seats in person.
You must follow the instructions on the examination documents, as appropriate.
Students are expected to arrive at the test location (including online) in advance of the stated start time. If you arrive to the test or examination after it has started (either by entering the test room or online), you must have the faculty’s permission. If permission is given, you must complete the examination or test in the time remaining. If not, you will receive a mark of “0” on the test or examination.
If you bring unauthorized material into the test room or ask for assistance from any other student or unauthorized source, you will not be permitted to continue writing. You may also be denied permission to write subsequent examinations or tests and may be subject to penalties under the regulations for academic misconduct (Section 8. Academic integrity)
If you are doing your test or examination online, you are not permitted to bring unauthorized material into your online environment or ask for assistance from unauthorized persons or materials and sources. You will not be permitted to continue writing. You may also be denied permission to write subsequent examinations or tests and may be subject to penalties under the regulations for academic misconduct (Section 8. Academic integrity)
Once an examination or test has started, you cannot leave the test room or online environment for at least the first 30 minutes without faculty permission. For in-person, you cannot leave during the final 10 minutes to not distract others still writing. The exception is in marine courses where you are not permitted to leave the examination or test environment during the entire period, as regulated by Transport Canada
All writing and/or online submissions must stop when faculty announce the examination or test time is over and/or faculty sets the online testing time to end. If you do not observe this rule, your papers and/or online submissions may not be accepted.
You are not permitted to take examination books and other materials out of the test room or specified online environment unless noted in the course outline.
You must be alone and undisturbed in a quiet testing space for online tests and examinations, except for specified and authorized test aids approved by faculty and or accommodations.
You must keep only the required computer application(s) open and power off all electronic devices such as cellphones and iPads and keep these devices inaccessible for the duration of the test or examination.
In the event of a college closure due to inclement weather or unforeseen circumstances, you will be notified by the faculty with information with regards to the re-booking or action required because of the cancellation.
Faculty determine acceptable means of covering the course material and achieving the learning outcomes. If a campus is closed on a scheduled exam date, the academic area re-schedules the exam to a suitable date and time and you are normally notified by your faculty via your Georgian College email or Blackboard. (Employees should reference the Unscheduled Campus Closure Procedure #2-102).
Notifications of college closures are made available to you through several outlets, including:
College website
Radio and television announcements through local and regional media
College telephone system automated message
Georgian College email account
Georgian College Facebook site
Georgian College Twitter feed
MyGCLife homepage alert bar
safe@Georgian app
Georgian College recognizes that events of a significant scale do arise (e.g., major conflict, international incident, pandemic, natural disaster), and that these events may impact your ability to study.
All persons, including students and employees, who are on campus will abide by Georgian College’s policies including this put in place to manage events of a significant scale. During this special circumstance, where you are unable to complete on-campus course work due to protocols, you must notify the faculty immediately by email, and where possible, at least 24 hours prior to the start of an evaluation. Please refer to Section 10.7 Academic accommodations regarding required documentation to support absences. The faculty determine acceptable means of covering the course material and achieving the learning outcomes in a reasonable timeframe, typically within the term dates or prior to the 10th day of class in the subsequent term. There may be some circumstances where learning outcomes cannot be achieved, such as courses that have specific accreditation requirements. You are required to provide a written agreement by email, within two days, to the means and timelines for covering the learning outcomes, to the faculty, program coordinator, dean/associate dean, and to adhere to this agreement. Failure to agree to the means and timeline or meeting the deadlines will result in the grade being assigned based on the course work completed up until that time.
Where you may not be able to complete the course work, alternate options such as withdrawal without academic penalty (WD) for the course, an incomplete grade (IN) or a pass by aegrotat (AEG) may be considered. (Section 5. Academic grade record and promotion). Typically, if you cannot complete a course, you are required to register for the course in a future semester.