5. Academic grade record and promotion
Georgian College uses a 100-point percentile grading scale for most courses. Other grading symbols may be used in certain instances to describe course status. Grades are submitted by faculty and are used in the calculation of your grade point averages (GPA). When a failure (F) appears on your transcript, it is calculated in your institutional/semester GPA as 49 per cent. Other grading symbols are not calculated in grade point averages.
Standard Grade Conversion Chart
Below is the standard grade conversion that Georgian uses to establish equivalencies when required.
Georgian College percentile (%) | Grade point average | Letter grade equivalent |
80 - 100 | 4.0 | A |
70 - 79 | 3.0 - 3.9 | B |
60 - 69 | 2.0 - 2.9 | C |
50 - 59 | 1.0 - 1.9 | D |
0 - 49 | 0.0 | F |
Course Grading Symbols
Below is a legend describing the available grades that may appear on your record and official transcript.
A | Performance above minimum course requirement |
B | Minimum course requirements achieved |
S | Co-op work term successfully completed |
U | Co-op work term unsuccessful; must be repeated* |
P | Course requirements met |
F | Unsatisfactory performance; failed to meet course requirements |
IN | Course incomplete; further work required. Work must be completed within one semester |
In Progress | Course in progress. Grade will be issued at end of semester |
AS | Advanced standing granted for related accredited postsecondary credits |
EX | Exemption granted for previous educational credits |
WD | Withdrawal in accordance with college academic regulation |
AU | Audited course |
I | Repeated course |
AEG | Pass by aegrotat. Portion of work term not completed due to illness or other equally compelling reason. Minimum pass granted for graduation purposes |
MT | Mid-term of full-year course, no grade available |
NP | Suitable co-op not found |
ASN | Courses taught by an association. Credit not issued by Georgian |
ATT | Course with no evaluation factor; normally a non-credit course |
DNA | Did not attend; normally a non-credit course |
UNV | Course taught by a partner institution |
*Grade symbol used primarily for co-op until 2022-23. F symbol is typically used to demonstrate that co-op/WIL requirements are not met/failed as an official grade.
5.1.1 Transcripts
At the end of each academic term, you may view your unofficial transcript online. Official transcripts are provided to you on the MyCreds electronic platform upon request. Official transcripts are subject to a fee. For more information about requesting a transcript and how to use the MyCreds system, visit the How to order a transcript webpage.
5.1.2 Calculation of weighted averages
There are three grade point averages used at Georgian. Institutional/semester GPA (determines promotional status each term), cumulative GPA (total of all courses taken), and program/ graduation GPA (used to determine graduation status). Semester and program weighted averages are used to determine your institutional/semester GPA. The GPA includes all credit courses taken in the semester. It does not include course exemptions. Grades receive quality points (QP) ranging from 0 to 100 (grade earned = QP). Courses are assigned “credits” based on the number of total hours (42-hour course = 3 credits). The total course QP is calculated by multiplying the QP (based on the grade) by the course credits. For example, you complete four courses as follows:
MATH 1001 | 3 credits | 70 per cent | 70 QP x 3 credits = 210 total QP |
ACCT 1006 | 3 credits | 65 per cent | 65 QP x 3 credits = 195 total QP |
PSYC 1000 | 3 credits | 80 per cent | 80 QP x 3 credits = 240 total QP |
GNED 1003 | 3 credits | 50 per cent | 50 QP x 3 credits = 150 total QP |
Quality Points
12 total credits = 795 total semester QP
To calculate the institutional/semester GPA, divide the total QP by the total course credits as follows:
795 total semester QP/12 total credits = 66.2 per cent.
Program/graduation GPA is computed similarly, but only includes the grades for courses used towards graduation. Failed courses and courses not applicable to that program are excluded from the calculation.
5.1.3 Incomplete grade designation
If you do not, or cannot, complete all course requirements due to extenuating circumstances, you may request a temporary “incomplete” grade designation (IN) from your faculty and negotiate a contract to complete the course requirements by a specified date. This is a privilege, not a right (Section 4.3.4 Incomplete grade designation).
5.2 Promotional status
Your promotional status is determined at the end of each term based on your institutional/semester GPA. If you are studying on a part-time basis, you will be assessed for promotion once you have completed four credit courses. Certain programs may have additional promotional status requirements in addition to those stated in this document. You are advised to consult official program outlines for more information.
The passing grade for most courses is 50 per cent. Some programs require a higher grade for promotion to the next semester, as a prerequisite to a subsequent course. It is recommended that you review your program and course outlines to confirm the passing grade required. The graduation requirements are as follows:
Courses in the Pre-Service Firefighter Education and Training program with a “FIRE” subject code require a minimum grade of 70 per cent to fulfill prerequisite and graduation requirements.
Courses in the Marine Engineering Technology and Marine Technology Navigation programs require a minimum grade of 60 per cent to fulfill graduation requirements.
Courses at the graduate certificate level require a minimum grade of 60 per cent to fulfill prerequisite and graduation requirements.
Georgian College degree courses require a minimum average of 60 per cent to progress and an average of 65 per cent in core courses and 60 per cent in non-core courses to graduate.
Courses in the Honours Bachelor of Science - Nursing program (HBSN and HBNA) with a “NURS” subject code require a minimum grade of 65 per cent to fulfill prerequisite requirements. You must maintain a minimum GPA of 65 per cent to progress each year. In addition, students in HBSN who fail two or more courses or fail a practicum will be dismissed from the program.
Courses in the Practical Nursing (PN) programs with a “NRSG” or “BIOL” subject code require a minimum grade of 65 per cent to fulfill prerequisite requirements. You must maintain a minimum GPA of 65 per cent to progress each year. In addition, students in PN who fail two or more courses or fail a practicum will be academically suspended from the program.
If you have been academically suspended from the Practical Nursing (PN) program, you can apply for re-admission after a period of 8 months. Upon applying for re-admission to the PN program your application will be evaluated by the program area and a re-entry point to the PN program determined. If you are approved to return in an upper-level semester (semester 2 or higher) a learning contract between yourself and the academic area may be required.
In some cases, it may be recommended you re-start the PN program from semester 1. In this case you will need to apply for entry into the program through the application process (OCAS or IAS).
If you fail to meet the requirements for the second time for the PN program, you will be issued an academic dismissal from the program. This will make you ineligible to return to the program. After the dismissal period of 12 months has passed, you will be able to continue your studies at Georgian College in another program that is not in the same academic department.
Additional exceptions are possible; please see the program outline.
Those academically dismissed cannot return to the same program. In special circumstances, approval from the Dean, VP – Academic and the Registrar, a student can be granted to return to the same program.
5.2.1 Number of course attempts
Unless otherwise stated in your program outline, you may attempt a course two times. If you fail the same course twice, you must receive approval from your dean/associate dean and the Office of the Registrar to register a third time. Failure to achieve the minimum grade in a course required for graduation may result in you not being able to progress and/or dismissal from your program. You must consult with your dean/associate dean to discuss options.
Unless otherwise stated in your program outline, you may attempt a co-op two times. If you fail the co-op twice, you must receive approval from the Co-operative Education office, the academic area/department, and the Office of the Registrar to register a third time. Failure to pass a co-op required for graduation may result in you not being able to progress. You must consult with your dean/associate dean to discuss options.
Clinical, practicum, field placement
Unless otherwise stated in your program outline, you may attempt a clinical, practicum or field placement only once. If you fail your clinical, practicum or field placement, you must receive approval from the dean/associate dean of your academic area/department and the Office of the Registrar to register a second time. Failure to pass a clinical, practicum or field placement required for graduation may result in you not being able to progress and/or dismissal from your program. You must consult with your dean/associate dean to discuss options.
Withdrawal from a course, co-op, clinical, practicum or field placement on or before the approved date to withdraw without academic penalty will not be considered an attempt.
Should you not be able to complete a course, co-op, clinical, practicum, or field placement because you have exhausted the number of available attempts, your progression and/or graduation may be affected.
In the case of repeated courses, the highest grade will be the grade of record and is included in the calculated institutional/semester and program/graduation GPAs. All grades and courses will be recorded on your transcript and included in your cumulative GPA. Fees may apply for additional course attempts depending on course load.
For further details, please see the promotional status diagram (Section 5.2.3 Promotional status and eligibility for co-op). Promotional status cannot be appealed; however, you are encouraged to speak with your academic area/department to discuss progression through your program, especially if there were extenuating circumstances contributing to your performance.
5.2.2 Definitions and actions of academic standing
Some programs have a higher GPA requirement related to academic standing. Please reference your program outline.
Good standing
You have achieved an institutional/semester GPA of 60 per cent or greater in your last term. You may proceed to the next term.
Academic probation
You have achieved an institutional/semester GPA between 50-59 per cent in your last term. You may proceed to next term. You should seek academic advice on how to improve your chances for academic success.
Academic warning
You have achieved an institutional/semester GPA between 50-59 per cent in your last two terms OR your GPA is 49 per cent or lower in your last term. You may proceed to next term. If your GPA is less than 50 per cent, you may not engage in workplace experiences, including co-op, unless the co-op consultant grants approval. You should seek academic advice on how to improve your chances for academic success.
Academic suspension
You were on academic warning during your last term and failed to achieve an institutional/semester GPA of 60 per cent or higher. You are not eligible to continue studying in the next term. You are required to withdraw for two terms. Two terms are typically eight months. The suspension is term-based and not dependent on your program’s progression. The Office of the Registrar will withdraw you from all future courses. Additionally, if you are academically suspended:
- You may not engage in any form of workplace experience (e.g., co-op, field placement, internship, clinical placement, etc.) that is part of your program
- You will have any current offers of admission for future terms revoked by the Office of the Registrar
- To be eligible to return from academic suspension you must reapply through the Office of the Registrar for re-admission. The application must be submitted prior to the start of the term in which you wish to return. Upon re-admission to your original program or if you start a new program, you must achieve an institutional/semester GPA of at least 60 per cent in your first term returning to the college. If you do not achieve an institutional/semester GPA of at least 60 per cent in your first term returning to the college, you will be academically dismissed from your program and the college.
Academic dismissal
You were academically suspended for two terms and failed to achieve an institutional/semester GPA of 60 per cent or higher in the last term. You are not eligible to continue to the next term. You are required to withdraw from your program and the college for a period of one calendar year whether full-time or part-time. You will have all offers of admission for future terms revoked by the Office of the Registrar. After 12 months, you may register for part-time general interest non-credit courses or apply for admission to another Georgian College program provided it does not have any vocational courses in common with the program from which you were dismissed.
You can also be suspended and dismissed from your program or the college due to:
academic integrity violations (Section 8. Academic integrity) or;
not being able to progress in your program or;
complete requirements for graduation due to multiple failed attempts at a course or work-integrated learning.
5.2.3 Promotional status and eligibility for co-op
You may proceed to a co-op semester if any of the following reflect your current academic standing:
Good standing
Academic warning with a semester GPA of greater than 50 per cent
In order to be considered eligible to proceed to co-op, you must have completed the courses scheduled before the co-op semester in your program outline. Exceptions may apply if you have been granted course exemptions, or with the approval of the co-op consultant.
Promotional status
The diagram below describes the process and grades associated with each step in academic promotion.

5.3 Dean’s list
The dean’s list, produced by the office of the dean, recognizes full-time credit students (Section 4.2.1 Registration definitions) who have achieved an institutional/semester GPA of 80 per cent or higher in any one academic term. This is indicated on your official transcript. You must not have an outstanding balance with the college or any academic or non-academic conduct issues within the term.