Global Business Management

Program: GBMT
Credential: Ontario College Graduate Certificate
Delivery: Full-Time
Length: 4 Semesters
Duration: 2 Years
Effective: Summer 2026
Location: Barrie


This program is designed to prepare university and college graduates from a wide range of educational and cultural backgrounds to work as managers in international and domestic businesses of various size. Students develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to manage the human, physical, and financial resources associated with international trade. The first year covers fundamental business knowledge and skills, while more complex international situations and strategic areas are the focus of the second year. The course of study promotes teamwork and leadership skills, and enhances students’ capacity to work effectively in cross-cultural environments.

Career Opportunities

Graduates of this program are prepared for entry-level management positions in research, marketing, sales, project management, information management, supply chain, and finance. Graduates may work in a broad range of employment settings in all sectors of business and industry, in both domestic and international locations. Graduates may also use their entrepreneurial skills to open their own business or act as consultants.

Program Learning Outcomes

The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to:

  1. collect, process and interpret data used to support international business;
  2. develop, execute and analyze the results of a comprehensive global business plan which includes complete marketing, operations, financial and human resources strategies and tactics, taking into account the impact of various economic, legal, cultural, geographical, and political situations on international business;
  3. conduct business with diverse populations using culturally appropriate methods in compliance with relevant national and international law, legislation, policies, and regulations;
  4. assist in the importing and exporting functions of a business;
  5. plan, direct, execute and evaluate individual and team projects;
  6. implement strategies utilizing domestic and foreign government programs, policies, and agencies which facilitate international trade;
  7. apply financial knowledge and skill to the operation of an international business;
  8. apply leadership and teamwork skills establishing and maintaining working relationships with coworkers, supervisors, clients, customers and consumers;
  9. apply quality control and assurance programs to sourcing and supplying;
  10. apply the principles of business ethics and international corporate responsibility;
  11. develop new products and services consistent with evolving market needs;
  12. evaluate the viability of marketing a product or service in an international market or markets;
  13. develop personal professional development strategies and plans to enhance leadership and management skills;
  14. apply entrepreneurial strategies to maximize the effectiveness of international business initiatives;
  15. employ environmentally sustainable practices within the profession.

Program Progression

The following reflects the planned progression for full-time offerings of the program.

Summer Intake

  • Sem 1: Summer 2026
  • Sem 2: Fall 2026
  • Sem 3: Winter 2027
  • Sem 4: Summer 2027

Admission Requirements

Post-secondary diploma or degree, or equivalent; education or experience in a business setting is desirable.

Graduation Requirements

21 Program Courses
1 Applied Project

Graduation Eligibility

To graduate from this program, a student must attain a minimum of 60% or a letter grade of P (Pass) or S (Satisfactory) in each course in each semester. The passing weighted average for promotion through each semester and to graduate is 60%.

Program Tracking

The following reflects the planned course sequence for full-time offerings of the Fall intake of the program. Where more  than one intake is offered  contact the program co-ordinator for the program tracking.

Plan of Study Grid
Semester 1Hours
Program Courses  
GBMT 1000 Communications for Global Business Managers 42
GBMT 1001 Management Accounting and Finance 42
GBMT 1002 Managerial Economics 42
GBMT 1003 Business Statistics and Research Methods 42
GBMT 1004 Global Market Entry Strategies 42
GBMT 1005 World Geographies and Cultures 42
Semester 2
Program Courses  
GBMT 1006 Operations Management 42
GBMT 1007 Project Management 42
GBMT 1008 Global Human Resource Management 42
GBMT 1009 Geopolitics of Trade and Development 42
GBMT 1010 International Financial Management 42
GBMT 1011 Global Market Research 42
Semester 3
Program Courses  
GBMT 2000 Career Management for Global Leaders 42
GBMT 2001 International Corporate Responsibility 42
GBMT 2002 Innovation in the Global Marketplace 42
GBMT 2003 International Marketing Management and Sales 42
GBMT 2004 Global Supply Chain Management 42
GBMT 2005 Global Business Strategy 1 42
Semester 4
Program Courses  
GBMT 2006 Global Management and Leadership 42
GBMT 2007 Management Information Systems for Global Business Operations 42
GBMT 2008 Global Business Strategy 2 42
Applied Project  
GBMT 2009 Applied Project – Global Business Management 126
 Total Hours1008

Graduation Window

Students unable to adhere to the program duration of two years (as stated above) may take a maximum of four years to complete their credential. After this time, students must be re-admitted into the program, and follow the curriculum in place at the time of re-admission.

Disclaimer: The information in this document is correct at the time of publication. Academic content of programs and courses is revised on an ongoing basis to ensure relevance to changing educational objectives and employment market needs. 

Program outlines may be subject to change in response to emerging situations, in order to facilitate student achievement of the learning outcomes required for graduation. Components such as courses, progression, coop work terms, placements, internships and other requirements may be delivered differently than published.

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